Amway Omega-3 Salmon NUTRILITE + Benefits

NUTRILITE Salmon Omega-3 from Amway

About Omega 3– 

It is a fatty oil extracted from fish, this explains the question for
“How fat is good?” – it's true that some fats are good, some fat content is so important to be in your body that helps to do certain jobs these are essential fatty acids that  may not be produce automatically (by nature) in your body metabolism need to be added additionally,. Human body nerves  are covered with some fats and brain need fats to create specialized cells that allow you to think and feel  and some action of work of 


There are several benefits of omega 3 and omega 6 first it benefit for Heart and good for health. This plays an important role in brain functions and growth and development. This reduces lipids, cholesterol, and triglycerides

Types of Omega - Three types of Omega 3 fatty acids

·         Eicosapentanoic Fatty Acid (EPA)
·         Docosahexanoic Fatty Acid (DHA)
·         Alpha Linolenic Acid (LHA)

In the above EPA and DHA are extracted from fish where as LHA extracted from plants
Omega 3 is good for everyone, it's good for building muscles, increasing energy levels and build Immunity. It reduces the risk of heart diseases, blood pressure, reduces cholesterol and triglycerides and it is also necessary for cell growth and division, it speeds up recovery and healing makes, this gives strong bones and teeth, this gives you beautiful hair, skin and nails 

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